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Artemis Thomaides was educated in England at Malvern College in Worcestershire. In 1979 he obtained B.A (Honours) Degree in Law from London University, and joined Lincolns Inn where he obtained his professional qualification, Barrister–at–Law in 1980.
Upon his arrival in Cyprus, he did his pupillage at the well known Law firm of P.L. Cacoyiannis & Co in Limassol and worked as a practicing advocate in the same firm.
In 1982 he was granted his licence to practice law by the High Court of Cyprus.
In 1983 he proceeded to open his own legal firm, Artemis Thomaides & Co LLC, which he ran up to December 2023.
In January 2024, he joined Costas Tsirides & Co LLC.
He has been a practicing advocate for more than 40 years.